Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Stitching, Books and Baseball.....What every girl needs.....

So much is going on and so little time! Does anyone know where I can beg, borrow, or buy some extra time? !!!

I am not sure if I shared with you that a couple of months ago I went through a severe case of Shingles. Mine affected the left side of my face and head. For those that don't know what Shingles are--this is a viral infection that affects the nerves and it is very, very painful! As well as the pain you also get blister-like splotches which first hurt, then itch as they heal. But the worst part about mine was the location. If it had gotten into my eyes, it could have blinded me. I am so grateful that it did not affect my eyes and that the anti-virals finally healed me. During that time I could not stitch at all and could only sleep for the most part. I am bringing this up now because I have just gotten over another episode. This time I recognized it immediately and got the anti-viral meds right away so the case was much lighter and less debilitating. I am pleased to say that I am better now and back to my stitching! Now if I can just get caught up with everything!!! I am so far behind.

I did get a chance to actually read a book! I haven't had the time to do any reading lately and I missed it! Therefore, since I couldn't stitch, I pulled out one of my long neglected books and read it it over the weekend.

I have also been watching my Atlanta Braves on TV! Have I mentioned how much I love baseball? I cannot wait for opening day each year and dread for the final game of the world series to end! Are there any other baseball fans out there? I wish I lived close enough to go to the games but I will just make do with my TV. This year we have a fighting chance to get back into the playoffs.

Till next time...Go Braves!

Sunday, May 09, 2010

What's Happening with me...

I thought I would take a few minutes to share what I have been up to for the last little while. First of all I finished up two models for Tracy at Ink Circles ( Turkish Delight released at the online needlework show and the latest mandala for JCS) and two for Vilma at Examplars From the Heart (Shepherd and Shepherdess and one not yet released).

And as I shared my biscornu from Camp StitchAway last time I thought I would share a photo of the needlebook I made to go with it. Using the biscornu pattern as a guide I came up with this one:

These were stitched on antique white 20ct linen using Ginnie Thompson Flower Thread and DMC Perle Cotton for the Cobblestone stitch. The biscornu was topped off with a cute ladybug button. They were lots of fun to make. When I finished the needlebook I was very surprised to find a matching silk ribbon in a d-bag of silk ribbon I have. I did not expect to find one such a perfect match!

This set was done for a very special lady and I will be sending it off to her on Monday. But I plan to make another for myself!

When I finished my latest model I began a commissioned piece. It is a sampler from the Scarlett Letter called Ann Kirby. It is stitched on a 36 ct linen with DMC threads. The threads really look a bit darker IRL but I just couldn't get a really good photo of it.


So as you can see I have been very busy. I have also been doing some designing and will be making an announcement soon. I have a couple of things in the works from that direction. But off now to do some more stitching. Till next time....

Kathy aka The MadStitcher
.....The Original: Beware of Imitations.....